Who were Emmy and Hope?
Two special dogs with different stories, both with rare disorders, taken from us so suddenly and unexpected. We have been rescuing for years and have lost so many beloved pets, primarily to old age, which is always heartbreaking. Emmy and Hope inspired us to establish our non-profit rescue group, dedicated to their memory.
There are way too many stories like theirs, but we can’t give up. Therefore, EMMY’S HOPE!
Emmy was found in 2006, in a neighborhood, with a rope around her neck, scared and hungry. It took us a week to finally gain her trust and catch her. She quickly bonded so closely with Mike and was part of our family for five happy and wonderful years. Then she suddenly became ill with a mysterious disease that not even Texas A & M vet clinic could diagnose, treat or reverse. Our hearts were broken when we lost her.
Hope was found in 2014, in a box, during freezing weather, in the middle of a Walmart parking lot. An older man heard her crying and rescued her. He saw the rescue sign on our vehicle, said he could not take care of her and asked if we could. She was just a baby, so cute, and wanted so much to be loved. We loved her at first site. Unfortunately, within a short time we discovered that this precious puppy had megaesophogus, a congenital disorder preventing her from swallowing her food properly. Not wanting to believe or accept the inevitable, we named her Hope. But, despite all of our efforts, and her love for life, she had a condition so severe that it could not be treated or reversed. Again, our hearts were broken.